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Vexations Reimagined 2020  
(15 minutes)

A response to Kathy Hinde's Vexing Responses (alongside her Vexations Livestream), I reimagined Erik Satie's piece as if all 840 cycles are played (almost) simultaneously. Featuring Kathy Hinde playing the piano.

Tidal Iterations 2019  
(24 minutes)

These pieces were written in relation to the esturine movements and rhythms. Ideas of reiteration and superimposition are explored using a single melodic motif and placing it in different relationships in terms of pitch and time to reflect the changes in flow, direction and height in regards to the tides.

Initially written as a string quartet, then for clarinet, piano and cello (Plus/Minus) and for medium sized ensemble. 

Tidal Iteration 2 was performed on 6th June 2019 by Plus Minus Ensemble in a workshop at Bath Spa University.


Mark Knoop - piano

Alice Purton - cello

Vicky Wright - clarinet

Tidal Iteration 2  Score

Drift 2018
(7 minutes)

Drift was written using material representing tide  cycles from tide charts for the Severn estuary. This material was juxtaposed against a musical representation of 24 hour time to highlight the pulsing nature of the tidal cycles. This material was performed by Trio Atem at Bath Spa University.

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